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World Patient Safety Day - 'Safe Maternal and Newborn Care'

As the world marks World Patient Safety Day on 17 September 2021, BAFROW Medical Centre reinforces the importance of, and strengthens its effort in, providing quality services and a safe environment to all its patients.
The safety of patients has become a major global public health concern as attested by increasing reports from around the world about the unsafe environment, improper use of technologies and low quality services at some health facilities, resulting at times in patients inadvertently getting hurt or losing their lives. An exacerbation of this situation could potentially impact negatively on progress already registered over the years in health care delivery while impeding the attainment of health targets.
Addressing this challenge effectively requires the involvement of not only health professionals but the concerted efforts of a wide range of actors, from policy makers to grassroots. This is why, in 2019, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on ‘Global Action on Patient Safety’, naming 17th September ‘World Patient Safety Day’ and encouraging global actions for increased awareness on patient safety and improved measures for keeping patients safe.
The theme for this year’s World Patient safety Day is: ‘Safe Maternal and Newborn Care’ with the slogan: ‘Act now for safe and respectful childbirth’. BAFROW Medical Centre recognizes the vulnerability of women and newborns during delivery and the importance of providing them quality care and ensuring their safety. Its safety protocols, which cover covid 19 prevention, control and treatment measures, are strictly adhered to by all staff in its Maternity, Newborn and Child unit for the optimum protection and care of all the patients. These include standard operating procedures for the control and prevention of the spread of infections and staff training on correctly handling patients and operating equipment. BAFROW Medical Centre will continue to address maternal and newborn issues efficiently and in line with national and international standards.