Clinic hours

Our Clinic is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
+220 373 74 85

Administrative hours

Monday-Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
+220 39 55 102

Your Medical Needs are our Concern; offering you Quality Medical Care is our Business


Prevention and management of HIV and AIDS

VCT Services for HIV Prevention

We offer Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) for HIV, both at our base clinic and through our outreach service. Our objective is to use the VCT outreach team to give each individual in target communities the opportunity to have access to VCT and other HIV and AIDS related facilities.   

Under our Prevention and management of HIV project, we manage and treat opportunistic infections, provide counselling, and conduct investigations as cervical pap smear and mammography screening for breast cancer. Blood sugar, cholesterol and VDR tests as well as TB screening and blood pressure monitoring are also offered. Sexually transmitted infections are treated and partners counseled for better management.