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World Sickle Cell Day awareness at BAFROW Medical Centre; 20th June, 2022

On Monday, 20th June 2022, our in-house Paediatrician, Dr. Oladele F. Olagbegi, conducted awareness activities in both our out-patient waiting areas. His messages focused specifically on what Sickle Cell disease is, how you can get it, how you can prevented it, and how and where to test for the trait. He placed emphasis on the importance of getting tested, especially before getting into a union and making decisions to have children.

To ensure that the information is received and understood by all present, Dr. Olagbegi was supported by our health staff in translating the messages into the three main local languages: Wollof, Mandinga and Fula. Questions were invited from the crowd and clarifications made.

Close to a hundred people were reached with these key, life-saving messages.

Cross-section of our awareness creation activity on sickle cell disease - Waiting room 1

Cross-section of our awareness creation activity on sickle cell disease - Waiting room 2