
The Empowerment Project

Information and empowerment centres

The operation of information and empowerment centers are effective strategies of empowering women.  These centres not only host learning and training activities, they also house copies of IEC tools developed for information, training and behavior change. Some these materials include:

  • A flipbook on maternal care used by community health counselors, kabilo baamas, traditional birth companions and health extension workers. Contents cover antenatal care as well as information on labour, delivery and post natal care.
  • A maggi apron, pictorially depicting the reproductive organs, various stages of the reproductive cycle and process, positions of the foetus to include both the ideal and the inappropriate.
  • Fact sheets that pictorially promote care at the antenatal clinic, proper nutrition during pregnancy and the postnatal period,  the different types of contraceptives, birth plan to include expected date, place and mode of delivery, importance of postnatal care and family planning as well as infant care to include breastfeeding, immunization, follow up and registration at birth.
  • Multimedia messages in English, Mandinka, Wollof and Fula.